Design & content ©Simon Smalley 2024
Guest Speaker at
Nottingham Trent University
4 March 2024
Nottingham Trent University
Clifton Campus
ollowing a recommendation from Bev Baker (Senior Curator and Archivist at The National Justice Museum), I was amazed and delighted to receive an invitation from Dr Sarah Jackson (Associate Professor in Modern and Contemporary Writing) to appear as the Guest Speaker to third-year students enrolled on the university’s ‘Creative Writing in the Community’ course. I read a selection from the chapter ‘Remember When’ in my first volume of memoir, and explained the process of how my literary adventures had taken shape over the years.
A couple of days later I ‘gifted’ twelve copies of my book to the course students on what was - coincidentally - World Book Day. Here I am presenting the volumes to Dr Sarah Jackson.
17 November 2023
Punk: Rage & Revolution
Backlit Gallery
Ashley Street
See dedicated report here: Page: punk: rage & revolution
1 September 2023
Silver Pride
The Health Shop
Broad Street
19 November 2022
Five Leaves Bookshop ‘Reading Proud’
St. John’s Church & Community Centre
Global Wordsmiths
Queer The Shelves online book festival.
Hockley Hustle
Reading from my contribution to the Desire, Love, Identity anthology which led onto me writing my first book.
Desire, Love, Identity
Book launch
National Justice Museum
High Pavement
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